Minitab Training on Statistical Modeling

Statistical Modeling

Further expand your understanding of essential statistical analysis principles introduced in the Minitab Essentials course in minitab training by delving into an extended repertoire of statistical modeling tools. These newly acquired tools will facilitate the exploration and elucidation of connections existing between different variables. Concrete practical illustrations will vividly demonstrate how these modeling instruments play a pivotal role in exposing critical inputs and origins of variation inherent in your processes.

Master the art of employing statistical models to probe into the potential behavior of processes across diverse conditions. This course in minitab training equips you with techniques designed to deepen your comprehension of your processes, enabling you to validate the effectiveness of your enhancement endeavors. Through these insights, you'll be empowered to make more informed decisions about your processes and refine your strategies for improvement.

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Topics Included:

Multiple and Stepwise Regression

  • Employ multiple regression to explore the connections between a single continuous response and two or more predictor variables.
  • Utilize stepwise regression to assess various process inputs without relying on a designed experiment. In each step, the process progressively incorporates the most impactful variable or eliminates the least influential variable.

Nonlinear Regression

  • Employ Nonlinear Regression when conventional least squares regression is insufficient for modeling the connection between a continuous response variable and one or more predictor variables. Choose a nonlinear regression model when you can define a nonlinear function to accurately depict the relationship.

Partial Least Squares Regression

  • Apply Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS) to establish the connection between a group of predictors and one or more continuous responses.
  • Choose PLS when predictors display substantial collinearity or when there are more predictors than observations.
  • PLS is suitable when predictors are not fixed and possess measurement errors.
  • PLS reduces predictors to a compact set of uncorrelated components, enabling least squares regression on these components rather than the original data.


  • MANOVA represents an examination that simultaneously evaluates the connection between multiple response variables and a shared array of predictors. Analogous to ANOVA, MANOVA necessitates continuous response variables paired with categorical predictors. Notably, MANOVA presents several notable advantages over the approach of conducting individual ANOVAs for each response variable separately.


  • Covariates find application in ANOVA and DOE.
  • In these models, a covariate refers to a continuous variable not typically controlled during data collection.
  • The inclusion of covariates in a model permits adjustment for input variables measured but not randomized or controlled in the experiment.
  • Incorporating covariates can notably enhance model accuracy and substantially impact final analysis outcomes.
  • A covariate's incorporation can lower model error, elevating the power of factor tests.
  • Frequently encountered covariates encompass elements like ambient temperature, humidity, and pre-treatment characteristics of a part or subject.

Nesting and Random Factors

  • Minitab arranges factors in a nested manner following the sequence of entry. For instance, if you input factors as A B C, Minitab considers B nested within A, and C nested within B, which in turn is nested within A.
  • When the researcher selects levels of a factor from a population in a random manner, the factor is classified as random.

Binary and Nominal Logistic Regression

  • Utilize binary logistic regression analysis to depict the connection between a group of predictors and a binary response. A binary response entails two possible outcomes, like pass or fail.
  • Employ Nominal Logistic Regression to establish the link between a set of predictors and a nominal response. Nominal responses involve three or more unordered outcomes, like scratch, dent, and tear.

Time Series Tools, including Forecasting

  • Minitab Statistical Software can assist in analyzing three primary categories of time series data. It is recommended that the analyst discern and identify these fundamental characteristics.
    • Trend: Represents a broad data direction, which can be linear or quadratic.
    • Season: Reflects a recurring data cycle.
    • Random Time Series: Displays no discernible pattern or structure.
  • Forecasting is a widely employed technique within time series analysis, aiming to anticipate a response variable's behavior – such as monthly earnings, stock trends, or unemployment rates – over a predetermined timeframe. These projections rely on discernible patterns within the available data.

Seasonality and Decomposition

  • Utilize Decomposition to partition a time series into its constituent linear trend, seasonal, and error elements, while also generating predictions. You have the flexibility to opt for either additive or multiplicative treatment of the seasonal component alongside the trend. Employ this analysis to produce forecasts and evaluate the components when your series incorporates a seasonal aspect.
  • Minitab employs seasonal indices to perform seasonal adjustment on the data. The software adjusts the medians of the original seasonal values, aiming to achieve an average of one (in the multiplicative model) or zero (in the additive model). These adapted medians form the basis of the seasonal indices.

Multiple Linear Regression including Best Subsets and Stepwise Regression

  • Employ multiple regression to explore the connections between a single continuous response and two or more predictor variables.
  • Utilize stepwise regression to assess various process inputs without relying on a designed experiment. In each step, the process progressively incorporates the most impactful variable or eliminates the least influential variable.
  • Employ Best Subsets Regression to contrast diverse regression models encompassing subsets of the designated predictors. Minitab identifies the most fitting models encompassing a single predictor, two predictors, and so forth.