Minitab Training on Formulation and Mixture Designs

Formulation and Mixture Designs

Acquire an in-depth understanding of formulating experiments and deciphering data within contexts involving the amalgamation and blending of constituents, prevalent in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food, and consumer goods. Harnessing Minitab's user-friendly interface, you'll be adept at devising experiments tailored to investigate and unveil crucial process insights pertaining to mixtures, all while efficiently managing experimental resources.

Master the art of decoding graphical and statistical results to glean insights into the amalgamation dynamics of mixtures. Moreover, this course in minitab training equips you with the skill to determine the ideal formulation required for optimizing one or more pivotal process attributes. By the course's conclusion, you'll be empowered to employ efficient experimental strategies, interpret findings, and formulate precise mixtures that cater to the optimization of critical process characteristics, all through the intuitive interface provided by Minitab.

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Topics Included:

Simplex Lattice and Centroid Designs

  • A simplex lattice design represents a mixture design where design points are systematically distributed on an L-simplex lattice. An L-simplex design is similar to, and its sides are parallel to the following triangle:

Minitab Training

  • A simplex centroid design for a mixture with q components consists of 2^q - 1 points. Design points are as follows:
    • All points (x_1, x_2, ..., x_q) where one component, x_i = 1 , and the rest are 0. These are called vertex points.
    • All points where one component, x_i = 1/2 , another component, x_j = 1/2 , and the rest are 0.
    • All points where one component, x_i = 1/3 , another component, x_j = 1/3 , another component, x_k = 1/3 , and the rest are 0.
    • This pattern continues until all components are 1/q. This last point (where all components are equal) is called the center or centroid of the design.

Upper and Lower Constraints

  • You have the option to define boundaries for the components. Components refer to the elements composing a mixture. Component bounds establish both upper and lower thresholds for individual components. Enter the value of the lower bound and upper bound constraint for each component.


  • Pseudo-components are encoded variables designed to simplify the creation of designs and fitting of models.
  • They serve to diminish correlation between component bounds in constrained designs.
  • Constrained designs involve specifying lower and/or upper bounds, resulting in closely correlated coefficients.

Extreme Vertices Designs

  • Extreme vertices designs are mixture designs encompassing a subset or smaller region within the simplex.
  • These designs become necessary when the selected design space differs from an L-simplex design.
  • Such a condition often arises due to the presence of both lower and upper bound constraints on the components.\

Mixture-Process Variable Designs

  • Process variables are experimental factors distinct from the mixture but capable of influencing the response. For instance, the adhesive qualities of paint might be influenced by the application temperature.
  • A mixture design can incorporate up to seven two-level process variables.
  • Process variables can be incorporated as full or fractional factorial designs.
  • The mixture design will be created for every combination of process variable levels.

Mixture-Total Designs

  • Instead of representing a design using proportions, there might be a preference to convey the design using actual measurements.
  • The mixture total denotes the quantity of the mixture employed in the experiment, implying that the summation of components must equate to the mixture total.