Minitab Training on Automating Analyses in Minitab

Automating Analyses in Minitab

Master the art of streamlining your Minitab analyses and optimizing your efficiency through the utilization of macros! Uncover the prowess of crafting macros using Minitab's command syntax, enabling you to automate tasks such as swiftly importing data from databases, refining unwieldy Excel files, and executing statistical analyses, all while minimizing the need for manual intervention. As you progress through this interactive course in minitab training, you will cultivate the ability to develop and implement personalized macros, empowering you to seamlessly execute customized automation by its conclusion.

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Topics Included:

Command Line

  • In Minitab, menu commands generate session commands that document your actions for future use. These recorded session commands allow you to efficiently replicate an analysis on different data.
  • Each menu command aligns with a session command. Session commands comprise main and often subcommands, supplemented by various arguments like columns, constants, matrices, text strings, or numerical values.
  • Minitab provides three ways to use session commands:
    • Type session commands into the Command Line pane.
    • Copy session commands from the History pane to the Command Line pane.
    • Copy and save session commands in an exec file.

Automating Analyses through Execs

  • Employ "Run an Exec" to execute a sequence of Minitab session commands stored in an exec file.
  • Create an exec file using a text editor like Microsoft Notepad.
  • Nest execs, allowing one exec to call another, if needed.
  • A maximum of five levels of nesting is supported.

Creating Macros

  • A macro is a text file comprising Minitab session commands, offering the capacity to automate repetitive tasks or expand Minitab's capabilities for specialized computations. Macros can be executed in both the desktop and web app versions of Minitab Statistical Software.
  • The following types of macros are available in Minitab:
    • Global Macros (.MAC files)
    • Local Macros (.MAC files)
    • Exec files (.MTB files)

Minitab Customization

  • Minitab offers two type-libraries for automation and customization.
  • The Mtb 20.0 Type Library facilitates programmatic control of Minitab via COM.
  • The Minitab 20.0 Addin Interface lets you create "MyMenu" add-ins using COM DLLs for Minitab integration.

Control Statements

  • Control statements enhance macro flexibility and effectiveness by managing command execution sequence.
  • IF statements allow conditional actions based on specific conditions.
  • DO-ENDDO loop statements enable repetitive actions.
  • CALL and RETURN statements initiate and conclude macros within macros.
  • Control statements can also be nested, where an initial control statement, like an IF statement, can encompass various other control statements, such as additional IF statements or a DO statement.