Minitab Training on Fundamentals of Analytics

Fundamentals of Analytics

In this fundamental course in minitab training, you will grasp the ability to streamline data analysis procedures using Minitab. The curriculum covers importing data, formulating robust statistical strategies for data exploration, crafting and comprehending impactful visualizations, and exporting outcomes. You will uncover techniques for automating Minitab analysis with minimal user input, leading to time savings. The exploration will encompass real-world datasets, enabling you to align your applications with appropriate analytical tools and interpret statistical results effectively. Additionally, you will acquire a solid grasp of crucial statistical principles like hypothesis testing and confidence intervals.

This course in minitab training places a significant emphasis on making informed decisions grounded in the pragmatic application of statistical methods frequently employed in business, manufacturing, and transactional processes.

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Topics Included:

Importing Data

There are various methods available for importing data into Minitab.

  • Open a file

    • In Minitab, you have the option to directly open Minitab files, Microsoft® Excel files, and text files.
    • To do so, simply select File > Open.
  • Copy/paste data

    • Copy a single column from the output and transfer the data by pasting it into the worksheet in following steps:
      • Choose the desired column for copying.
      • Right-click the chosen column, then pick Copy Column.
      • Navigate to the target cell under the column name for pasting the data.
      • Either click Edit > Paste or use Ctrl + V shortcut.
      • If asked, opt for Paste as a single column.
  • Query a database by using ODBC

    • ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) functions as a protocol employed by multiple applications to bring in data from database files.
    • Through ODBC, data collection is achievable within a database application like Microsoft Access or dBase.
    • The collected data can then be seamlessly imported into Minitab.
    • To establish ODBC for data import, opt for File > Query Database (ODBC).
  • Establish a dynamic connection to another application using DDE –

    • Microsoft® DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) functions as a protocol for data interchange among various applications.
    • DDE facilitates data exchange between Minitab and other software.
    • Implementation of "hot links" is possible with external applications like Excel, leading to automatic updates in Minitab when values change in Excel™.
    • Similarly, columns from Minitab can be hot linked to Excel™, ensuring automatic updates in Excel™ when the corresponding columns in Minitab change.
    • For initiating a hot link using DDE, select Edit > Worksheet Links > Manage Links

Types and Formats of Data in Minitab

Data in Minitab is organized into columns within a worksheet, with each column being assigned a specific data type and display format.

  • Data Types

    • Minitab acknowledges distinct data types: numeric, text, and date/time.
    • Upon data entry, Minitab designates a data type to a column based on its initial value.
    • Uniformity of data type is essential within a column.
    • Specific Minitab analyses necessitate particular data types; numeric data, for instance, is requisite for decimal-related calculations.
    • Date/time columns are marked with a "D" following the column number, while text columns are designated by a "T" after the column number. On the other hand, numeric columns lack any specific indicator. To illustrate, the current worksheet features a distinct column representing each of these data types.


C2-D C3-T


Date/Time Text







12.127 2014/12/02


    • For modifying the data type of columns, select Data > Change Data Type
  • Data Display Formats

    • The data display format of a column governs how its values are shown, such as currency symbols and decimal places for numeric columns.
    • To adjust the format of a column, click on it, then right-click, and select Format Column.
    • Discrepancies might exist between displayed values and Minitab's actual saved data. For instance, Minitab can exhibit two decimal places in display but retain four decimals internally.
    • Date/time columns might solely display dates, yet their underlying data can encompass both date and time details.
    • Altering a column's format affects its display in the worksheet, without altering the actual underlying value.
    • For instance, if a cell's number is 1.2345678 and you format it to show only two decimals, the underlying value remains 1.2345678.
    • All calculations and analyses utilize this unchanged underlying value.

Exec Macros

  • A more basic version of a Minitab macro, exec files lack control statements and the capability to accept arguments and subcommands during execution. Exec files prove handy when you need to replay a sequence of recently executed commands.

Bar Chart

  • Utilize a Bar Chart for contrasting quantities, averages, or alternative summarizing metrics, employing bars to illustrate distinct groups or classifications. The vertical extent of each bar indicates the count, the functional attribute of the variable (such as mean, sum, standard deviation, etc.), or the summarized measure pertaining to the specific group.


  • Utilize the Histogram tool to analyze the distribution and dispersion of your data. The histogram employs multiple intervals to categorize sample values, and it employs bars to illustrate the frequency of data values within each interval. For optimal results, histograms are most effective with a minimum sample size of 20. Nevertheless, a substantially larger sample size could provide a more accurate representation of the distribution.


  • Employ the Boxplot tool to evaluate and contrast the distribution's shape, central tendency, variability, and identify outliers within sample data. Boxplots are particularly effective when dealing with sample sizes of at least 20. By default, a boxplot visualizes the group's median, interquartile range, range, and outliers.

Pareto Chart

  • A Pareto chart is a distinct variant of a bar chart, where the depicted values are organized in descending order from the largest to the smallest. Its purpose is to uncover the most prevalent defects, the leading causes behind defects, or the primary sources of customer complaints. This tool finds its name in Vilfredo Pareto, who introduced the "80/20 rule." This principle suggests that, for instance, 20% of individuals control 80% of the wealth, or 20% of a product line might contribute to 80% of the waste, or even 20% of customers could be responsible for 80% of complaints, and so forth.


  • The Scatterplot is an effective tool for exploring the correlation between two continuous variables. It visually represents ordered pairs of x and y variables on a coordinate plane. By plotting these points, patterns or trends in the relationship between the two variables can be discerned, allowing for a better understanding of their association or potential dependencies.

Measures of Location and Variation

  • The location parameter influences the positioning of a distribution. This position is determined either by estimating from the available data or by being predefined through historical process insights.
  • The concept of variance encompasses the extent to which data deviate from their mean value, effectively indicating the spread or scattering of the data points. Mathematically, the variance equates to the square of the standard deviation. In industries such as manufacturing and quality control, closely tracking variance is of paramount importance. This is because diminishing process variance not only enhances precision but also leads to a reduction in the occurrence of defects, contributing to more consistent and reliable outcomes.


  • T-tests are a specific category of hypothesis tests in statistics that facilitate the comparison of means. They derive their name from the t-value, a singular numerical representation obtained by condensing the sample data. Understanding the calculation of t-values plays a crucial role in comprehending the mechanics behind these tests, providing a solid foundation for their interpretation and application.

Tests for Equal Variance

  • Utilize the equal variances test to ascertain if there is a distinction in the variances or standard deviations among two or more groups. This analysis requires the presence of at least one categorical factor and a continuous response variable.

Power and Sample Size

  • The Power and Sample Size is employed to explore the interplay between power, sample size, and the discrepancy, especially when you aim to contrast the population mean against a predetermined target or reference value. Notably, these calculations can be executed without the need for prior knowledge regarding the standard deviation of the population.