Minitab Global Price

Globally, the price of Minitab is influenced by elements like shifts in the exchange rate between the different currencies and the US Dollar, the assortment of product licensing alternatives accessible, and the quantity of licenses needed. It's crucial to emphasise that the information offered below is solely intended for informative use, and the real expenses could diverge considerably from the approximated values presented here. For details contact us.

Upgrade Minitab older version to latest version

If you already have an older version of Minitab individual licence, we can upgrade your Minitab to the latest version. Contact us for exact minitab price and support.

Renew Minitab Multi User license

Multi-user license is now discontinued by Minitab. Reach out to your minitab or your minitab reseller to shift to the latest Minitab named used license.

Minitab License Options Explained

Minitab Named user Annual Subscription License (currently available)

  • One license /subscription is required per natural person using the software.
  • This is an annual subscription license, and needs to be renewed every year.
  • Latest updates as well as version upgrades both are included.
  • This is suitable for individuals and companies with less than 5 users

Minitab Named user 3 years Subscription License (currently available)

  • One license /subscription is required per natural person using the software.
  • This requires an upfront payment for three years.
  • Latest updates as well as version upgrades both are included.
  • This is suitable for individuals and companies with less than 5 users

Minitab Perpetual Single user License (discontinued)

  • This is a one time buyout license option, and the license doesn't have any expiry.
  • Updates are included, however version upgrades are not included.
  • For upgrades, the latest version needs to be purchased again.
  • This is suitable for individuals and companies with less than 5 users

Minitab Annual Multi user License (discontinued)

This is the most popular option among organizations with multiple Minitab users. Minitab can be installed in unlimited number of computers, and simultaneously only a certain number of users can use Minitab.

  • Any upgrade released by Minitab during the license period is available for free up-gradation.
  • License admin can either split the number of licenses to different groups or teams, or keep them as a single pool.
  • Users can temporarily borrow licenses for off-network or off line usage, and then return the license back to the pool.
  • This being an annual license, will need annual renewal.

Minitab 3 Years Multi user License (discontinued)

This license option could be a cost saver, as it comes with a discounted over the 1 year multi-user option, as well as safeguards from currency and price fluctuation. Similar to the annual multi-user option, Minitab can be installed in unlimited number of computers, and simultaneously only a certain number of users can use Minitab.

  • Any upgrade released by Minitab during the licence period is available for free up-gradation.
  • Licence admin can either split the number of licences to different groups or teams, or keep them as a single pool.
  • Users can temporarily borrow licences for off-network or off line usage, and then return the licence back to the pool.

Minitab software features and tools


Minitab's Assistant guides you through your entire analysis and even helps you interpret and present your results. It helps you choose the right tool, through an interactive decision tree to pick the correct statistical tool. The results are presented in an easy to understand and interpret reports in graphical form and "Plain English". It includes:

  • Measurement systems analysis *
  • Capability analysis
  • Graphical analysis
  • Hypothesis tests
  • Regression
  • DOE
  • Control charts  *


  • Scatterplots, matrix plots, boxplots, dotplots, histograms, charts, time series plots, etc.
  • Contour and rotating 3D plots
  • Probability and probability distribution plots
  • Automatically update graphs as data change
  • Brush graphs to explore points of interest
  • Export: TIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, EMF

Basic Statistics

Access a complete set of statistical tools, including Descriptive Statistics, Hypothesis Tests, Confidence Intervals, and Normality Tests

  • Descriptive statistics
  • One-sample Z-test, one- and two-sample t-tests, paired t-test
  • One and two proportions tests
  • One- and two-sample Poisson rate tests
  • One and two variances tests
  • Correlation and covariance
  • Normality test
  • Outlier test
  • Poisson goodness-of-fit test


Uncover the relationships between variables and identify important factors affecting the quality of your products and services.

  • Linear and nonlinear regression
  • Binary, ordinal and nominal logistic regression *
  • Stability studies
  • Partial least squares
  • Orthogonal regression *
  • Poisson regression
  • Plots: residual, factorial, contour, surface, etc.
  • Stepwise and best subsets
  • Response prediction and optimization

Analysis of Variance

  • General linear models *
  • Mixed models *
  • Multiple comparisons *
  • Response prediction and optimization *
  • Test for equal variances
  • Plots: residual, factorial, contour, surface, etc.
  • Analysis of means

Measurement Systems Analysis

  • Data collection worksheets
  • Gage R&R Crossed *
  • Gage R&R Nested *
  • Gage R&R Expanded *
  • Gage run chart
  • Gage linearity and bias
  • Type 1 Gage Study
  • Attribute Gage Study
  • Attribute agreement analysis

Quality Tools

Determine if your measurement systems are adequate, assess how well your processes meet specification limits, create sampling plans, and more.

  • Run chart
  • Pareto chart
  • Cause-and-effect diagram
  • Variables control charts: XBar, R, S, XBar-R, XBar-S, I, MR, I-MR, I-MR-R/S, zone, Z-MR
  • Attributes control charts: P, NP, C, U, Laney P’ and U’
  • Time-weighted control charts: MA, EWMA, CUSUM
  • Multivariate control charts: T2, generalized variance, MEWMA
  • Rare events charts: G and T
  • Historical/shift-in-process charts
  • Box-Cox and Johnson transformations
  • Individual distribution identification
  • Process capability: normal, non-normal, attribute, batch
  • Process Capability SixpackTM
  • Tolerance intervals *
  • Acceptance sampling and OC curves

Design of Experiments

Find the settings that optimize your processes using Factorial, Response Surface, Mixture, and Taguchi designs.

  • Definitive screening designs *
  • Plackett-Burman designs
  • Two-level factorial designs
  • Split-plot designs
  • General factorial designs *
  • Response surface designs *
  • Mixture designs
  • D-optimal and distance-based designs
  • Taguchi designs
  • User-specified designs
  • Analyze variability for factorial designs
  • Botched runs
  • Effects plots: normal, half-normal, Pareto *
  • Response prediction and optimization
  • Plots: residual, main effects, interaction, cube, contour, surface, wireframe


Monitor your processes over time and evaluate their stability.

  • Parametric and nonparametric distribution analysis *
  • Goodness-of-fit measures
  • Exact failure, right-, left-, and interval-censored data
  • Accelerated life testing
  • Regression with life data
  • Test plans
  • Threshold parameter distributions
  • Repairable systems
  • Multiple failure modes
  • Probit analysis
  • Weibayes analysis
  • Plots: distribution, probability, hazard, survival
  • Warranty analysis

Power and Sample Size

Determine a product's lifetime characteristics using a wide range of tools including Distribution Analysis and Accelerated Life Testing.

  • Sample size for estimation
  • Sample size for tolerance intervals *
  • One-sample Z, one- and two-sample t
  • Paired t
  • One and two proportions
  • One- and two-sample Poisson rates
  • One and two variances
  • Equivalence tests
  • One-Way ANOVA
  • Two-level, Plackett-Burman and general full factorial designs
  • Power curves


  • Principal components analysis
  • Factor analysis
  • Discriminant analysis
  • Cluster analysis
  • Correspondence analysis
  • Item analysis and Cronbach’s alpha

Time Series and Forecasting

  • Time series plots
  • Trend analysis
  • Decomposition
  • Moving average
  • Exponential smoothing
  • Winters’ method
  • Auto-, partial auto-, and cross correlation functions


  • Sign test
  • Wilcoxon test
  • Mann-Whitney test
  • Kruskal-Wallis test
  • Mood’s median test
  • Friedman test
  • Runs test

Equivalence Tests

  • One- and two-sample, paired
  • 2x2 crossover design


  • Chi-square, Fisher’s exact, and other tests
  • Chi-square goodness-of-fit test
  • Tally and cross tabulation

Simulations and Distributions

  • Random number generator
  • Probability density, cumulative distribution, and inverse cumulative distribution functions
  • Random sampling

Macros and Customization

  • Customizable menus and toolbars
  • Extensive preferences and user profiles
  • Powerful scripting capabilities

Minitab Reseller

Factonity is a Minitab reseller / dealer. You can buy Minitab software license, as well as avail our host of free and paid trainings, support and services around Minitab like:

  • Free Minitab multi-user server license manager installation guidance
  • Onsite training for Minitab Statistical Software and other products
  • Statistical problem solving and consulting using Minitab